This is Serious Business: The Hobbit Edition!

Dwarves of The Hobbit

The G1 panel takes off its 3D glasses to dissect whatever the hell the Hobbit actually was. If nothing else the journey was… unexpected.

Moderator: Jeff

Panelists: Rob, Michelle, Jon, Christin

Table of Contents:

Part 1: Start – 21:50:
– Intros + Theater experience
– Format/HFR/3D, What’s the deal?

Part 2: 21:50 – 48:50:
– Plots/Subplots! Movie length
– Martin Freeman
– LOTR relationship
– Suspension of disbelief / Absence of consequence
– Who is this movie for? Cartoon or serious?

Part 3: 48:50 – END:
– Radagast the Brown and the main quest’s relevance
– How do you feel about it being a trilogy?
– Final thoughts and ratings
– Open discussion and wrap

Audio Credits:

Break one audio is the Hobbit theme from Howard Shore’s LOTR score.

Break two is the main LOTR theme, also from Howard Shore’s score.

4 responses to “This is Serious Business: The Hobbit Edition!”

  1. Marcus says:


    Y’all wrong about this one.