This is Serious Business: Total Recall Edition!

The G1 panel drunkenly rips the new Total Recall movie a new one.

Moderator: Jeff

Panelists: Christin, Rob, Jon

Table of Contents

0:00 – 6:00 – Intros + When did you see the original?
6:00 – 20:50 – Remakes, can’t live with ’em, can’t live without em.
20:50 – 35:10 – The 90’s original, alcohol begins kicking in
35:10 – 1:02:10 – We tried to talk about the new Total Recall, but we were too drunk… tooooo drunk.
1:02:10 – 1:08:30 – Final Thoughts and Ratings
1:08:30 – 1:18:15 – Fantasy Summer Box Office update, Open Discussion, and Wrap Up

Audio Credits

Break one audio is from the trailer for the original 1990 version of Total Recall, property of TriStar Pictures.

Break two audio is from the trailer for Columbia Pictures 2012 remake of Total Recall.

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